Beautiful fresh cut blue roses bouquet contains
6 vibrant blue fresh cut roses (fresh on the day of delivery from wholesaler roses)
Foliage & fresh baby’s
1 personalised box with a message of your choice (approximately 30 characters) please pop in your personalised message in a message to us please
This beautiful bouquet is handmade made to order & beautifully presented in blue luxury cellophane with a matching bow.
FLOWER BOUQUET WILL BE DELIVERED FIRST CLASS BY ROYAL MAIL. ONLY TO POST OUT MONDAY - FRIDAY, SO IF AN ORDER was to be made on Friday your order would be posted out Monday.-Tuesday.
BOUQUET CAN BE SENT DIRECT TO SOMEONE SPECIAL, JUST ADD DELIVERY DETAILS TO A MESSAGE IN CHECKOUT. Each order includes a Complementary gift card - If you would like us to write the card for you, please leave us details in a message.